2 : Amid the Dizziness

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Two new plates have emerged from the Wall. The first is the name of Miu’s idol group, “22/7,” and the second instructs the staff to conduct a group evaluation. Amid the confusion, each member prepares for the assessment; however, Miu falls into despair as she is unable to imagine herself as an idol. With tensions running high, a panel of strict judges convenes to evaluate each girl. Nicole stands out above the rest with her excellent performance, but Miu is unable to even properly introduce herself…

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Miu Takigawa views the world from behind the safety of her bangs, content with peacefully passing unnoticed through life. Reserved and timid, Miu struggles to converse with or even smile at customers when at her part time job, but she works tirelessly to support her mother and precious little sister, Haru. It is a shock when a letter arrives from the entertainment company GIP, announcing that she has been chosen as a candidate for their new project.

Miu decides to accept the invitation and heads to the meeting spot where the eccentric ensemble of other candidates filter in, all summoned by their own letters. Not long after, the girls are escorted by a manager to a luxurious secret facility, where it is explained that they must follow the mysterious directions of "The Wall," whose orders are absolute.

The 24th of December, 2016, will see the birth of idols like no other; on that day, the group 22/7 will debut, whether or not Miu and the other members are ready to take the stage.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]
