This movie was a very enjoyable one, and also a very weird one. Drifting Home is a pretty noticeable challenger tho Studio Ghibli movies and I won't lie, it surpassed my expectations. The movie's primary themes are growing (coming-to-age) and acceptence. To achieve these themes it shows two primary characters called Kousuke and Natsume who have go in conflicts with each other due to the fact that they both had the same guardian (Kousuke's gradfather) and they couldn't say goodbye to him when he passed away. Yes, this is often dragged out but due to the fact they are children, i find it understable for why the conflict lasts so long. One day, they visit their old home (they moved from the apartment/home they were in and that apartment was soon going to be demolished) with few friends and here is where the story kicks off. Enter Noppo, another charcater and now they find themselves in the ocean with apartment. If I continue, I'll spoil a lot of things so I can't unfortunately but this movie is such a well written story that it is hard to contain myself. Anyway, the art in this movie, all I can say is that it is a masterpiece. This is one of the major reasons it can compare to Ghibli's movies, because without good art, Ghibli is just gonna be the go-to movie since it excels at it. The sound was decent and did they job. Overall, I give this movie a 8/10 and would definitely watch it.

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