This series, or OVA, is the ending to this animation. It's, well, not a good ending, but also not a bad ending either. It does suck, that, they skipped too quickly into the action, like, finished the series too quickly. Without more context, plot, story etc and then just ending it off here.
I feel like, this would be better if there was more episodes with "getting back together", then "2 protagonists become a couple", then "dating, propose, marriage, have kids, etc". Would be nice though, but they ended it off at a scene in the subway where 2 of them locked eyes with each other.
I would still give this anime a try, even though they skipped it a bit too quickly.
I wish there was more to this anime, like, more episodes or more characters getting together and stuff.
If they ever remake this, I hope they consider not to skip too much of the scenes and add more context.
As always, I will mark this as a spoiler, since I did make some important references.

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