Tbh, this anime is cliche af, but it has a good backstory for the female lead. The female lead basically is a teenage prostitute who used her body to live under a shelter after she left her home due to reasons. Basically this continued on for a while until she met the MC, who just got rejected by best girl in the anime and he takes her in but doesn't ask for the deed in return. In a sense it's a slice of life, rom com story with a lot of character development. The issue with this anime is that it follows the classic basically impossible to happen in real life troupe for the romance. Honestly, I hope the MC does not end up with the female lead (and ends up with best girl becuse they both actually like each other) bevause while I don't mind the age gap too much, its the fact that the MC was more like a older brother/ father figure to the female lead rather than a lover. If the MC was shown to end up with someone else like best girl then I would give this anime a higher score because it does show a lot of themes. Overall I give this anime a 6.8/10.

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