Ngl, i really didn't want to write a review for this since im pretty sure everybody already loves it and or have read other reviews of people loving it. But I have to say my piece anyway because it really is that good of a show. The mc is gripping and perfect for the story, he is a man with a goal and tries everything in his power to keep that goal safe which leads him accross the girls who later recruit other girls creating an entire organisation called the Shadow Garden. Cid, the mc, is just a man who want to be a chunnibyou, he isn't one per say, he just adores the idea of having two lives. Honestly as children, we all must have thought that at least once right, well anyway, Cid didn't ever falter from this idea which sorts out this entire premise of the story. He wants everything to be played out his way and be cliche which is why the anime is not cliche. Though people will have mixed feelings about the fact that Cid is already the most overpowered character in the story from the get go, only the witch of calamity, Aurora is equal to him, but i really enjoy that fact. This is because Cid trained harder and smarter than anyone else, its not like he manifested the power out of nowhere which some people aren't able to understand. Anyway, this anime is a great show, definetely worth the watch, and even though season 1 is was phenomenal, s2 is gonna be better, take my word for it.

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