Archery. Such a poetic action that has been overlooked over time. There are always phrases out there that make us remember this term such as "hitting the bullseye" or "shoot it through the heart" but generally we have forgotten how beautiful of a term and how brilliant the action is. This anime, Tsurune, uses this term to show give the audience a beautiful story. Tsurune establishes multiple themes such as fear and acceptance throughout the series accompanied by soothing music respective to the notion being potrayed. It in a sense was a coming of age story for not just the protagonist, but also his friends. The characters are shown to hve realistic motions, some being annoying and disrespectful while others are nice and kind such as the main characters rival. The art is also beatiful, seeing the arrow leave the bow is enough to get the viewer hooked onto the anime. Personally, watching this anime was one hell of an experience that I will never regret nor forget. I will give this anime a solid 8.7/10.

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