for starters this is my first review so forgive any incoherencies'

plot; bassicly the main character is a perverted high energy protaginist archetype who has an ensatiable thirst for learning he goes to a new place each episodeto learn a new skill and ditches when he masters it ,
the plot itself is not that complicated but it is very original and i love it , however it is very formulaic but it does work for this type of plot

artstyle; 90s anime asthatic it does give the golden age of anime vibes it uses cell animation (and im a sucker for nastalgia)and my favourite thing about it is that all the characters look unique even the background characters

sound; i watched the dub and i can say there is trouble with the sound mixing the soundtrack is not very memorable (at least to me) it doesnt stand out from the anime of its time the voice actiing is great itd clear everyone loved the process and idc how much they paid em but the mcs voice actor is not paid enough

characters; the characters arent that deep but they do all feel unique and are generally a joy to watch from how they interact with the mc there only given as much charactization as needed to progress the story nothing more nothing less

in general; i loved this show the main character is the sorta character that you expect to hate a complete horndog who wants to be dominated by women but somehow they twist it to make it very indearing it also helps that at the end of eavh episode the girls fall in love with him and he desapears into the sunset and doesnt bug his mind too much about it his motivation to just learn is very unique wich instantly puts it above 60% of anime around his personality is not as original at the surface its basically copy pasted from gto (onizuka) but at least its good company

to sum up loved it not perfect though but again theres only so much a person can do in 6 episodes
we dont learn almost anything about the main characters backstory or the reason behind his motivation for learning i love his lonewolf lone life kinda aprouch to life even if hes poor i love how he instantly abandones something as soon as he masters it (no goodbyes needed) making me love the characetr even more always wanted to see a character with a sole motivation that presides over everything else would give it a ten but the show still got issues so 9 it is

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