As an aficionado of anime, I can say this: Shows based on movies are often horrible. I'm talking to you Hellsing and Ninja Scroll. They're often much lower budget retreads and cash grabs. They're also often just an excuse for people to put stories you wouldn't take in another context and swallow with the skin of your favorite antiheroes.

THIS would be the exception. Every story is a vignette and yet they are all, not unlike the movie on which it's based, interesting. The characters you might already be familiar with take on their familiar roles. In fact, it's naturally where Mezzo Forte was going, with them taking on randomly dangerous missions and barely making it out alive. Occasionally it also reveals a bit of the past of our mysterious trio of main characters.

The one negative I can give it is, it shows clips from the movie as flashbacks, which only highlights the fact that the movie's fight scenes are much more erratic, crisp, intense, well animated, and choreographed. It reminds me that I'm watching a series and not the tightly presented 1.5 hours that was the, "Half Strong" movie.

The show doesn't just trade on the legacy of the film, however. It is a good product even if you take the name and pedigree of the film away. That's what this show offers that most other movie to shows don't. And he has a hell of a catalogue. A Kite, Mezzo Forte, Cool Devices 7, and that's just off the top of my head.

TLDR; He is KNOWN in hentai as well as anime circles for presenting complicated narratives and engaging stories, and this is no exception. And while the movie has more action beats, this has more emotional resonance.

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