The opening is exciting and full of action. The rest of the story doesn't hold up to this high water mark of action, but the journey is about figuring out who the mysterious main character, Kenshi, is.

Strangely, he goes from being a possible assassin of the queen to working for her with little explanation, and then goes him from working at an academy that trains Gundam fighters aka Seikiji, with the women being naturally better at it than the men, to going to school at that academy. That's 90% of the story.

There is no love story. Everyone likes him. Everyone wants him. Do I mean everyone? At one point an entire school's worth of girls collude to capture him simply for his attention. He's living the dream, in other words. He's EXTREMELY valuable bc he's a rare male seikiji who is high functioning. In fact, he's the ultra-rare white seikiji. But the women want his attention before they're aware of this.

The story itself is decent. You don't come for the story, though. You come for the unique looking Gundams, the STUNNING art, the soothing, delightful score, and the light hearted romp that is the tale. Even when the story gets a bit predictable, you're still left thinking, "But it sure is pretty to look at." Read: The women are breath takingly beautiful, very specifically outfitted, and characterized. There's a three dimensionality to their personalities, including person-specific quirky mannerisms, that fill the gap between the presentation and reality.

And I was never bored.

Final Verdict: The best costume designs and high quality anime you've never heard a word of.

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