I had expectations, but not many. I expected it to be entertaining, fun, story driven. What I got was a story that mainly focused on children and the philosophy of man. I didn't care for either. The action scenes were interesting, if not unbelievable. I'll give an ex. In the first scene the female MC is running away from a Terminator down a hallway. The thing is, if he was aiming anywhere but where she was just running (In other words, center body mass, head, leg, middle of the hallway), he'd have killed her. So right away I thought, "Oh, this is going to be one of those, isn't it?" And it sure was. If you like action, you're going to skip a lot of scenes to get to it. If you came for a good story I'd look somewhere else.

Ppl keep saying, "It's better than the last 2 movies."

1. This is a different medium. If they have more time, you'd think they'd do a better job of telling a story.
2. I have a higher standard than this was better than the steaming trash fire that was the last film or the missed opportunity that was the film before that. Correct. It's better than a 2 out of 10 movie. Great observation.

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