I'm... beyond words to even express how happy i was when watching this from the 1st episode... it's just so sudden, or rather, like snow suddenly falling in the middle of the day—it's indeed unexpected... my heart jumped, my happiness reached cloud nine—i really am happy to love this series ever since day one—ever since the first season... i will always love this series with all my heart, just like how Sawako and Shouta love each other so deeply. I've been on cloud nine ever since watching this 3rd season, to the point of literally smiling all throughout every episode, though i did feel so sad whenever things get melancholic.

talking about this 3rd season, just like i said, i really did feel like I'm on cloud nine, beyond words to even express my happiness because i have always loved this series so much... I'm sooooo happy to see them again—Sawako, Shouta, Chizuru, Ryuu, Ayane, Kento, and the others... I'm so happy that the anime explored even more of their time together, how their characters developed and how far have they come since season 1... but there is something that this series have taught me: communication is the key. Indeed, communication is the key—to clear things up, to prevent problems from escalating, to prevent hurting others, to let both parties understand each other, and many more reasons... this anime literally showed how much important communication is, especially for two people. this anime has always executed that aspect so well, since yeah, it's literally about that... I'm also really happy that the ships have sailed in this series, although i still want more from Chizuru and Ryuu, since they haven't really cleared things up together—if they will really end up together, i mean. meanwhile, I'm really happy for Ayane... i mean, they are right. she's so kind. kind enough to always worry about others than herself, she always looks after others other than herself, although she shows how much she care about others, she doesn't do it to herself unfortunately... but now I'm at ease, because i know that Kento will always be with her now... Kento, you lucky dog, but yeah seriously, another thing is that Kento is a really good guy. he's not a player like everyone thinks, instead he's actually a really good man. on the other hand, I'm so, so, so glad that Kazehaya and Sawako finally communicated their feelings to one another... AND OH MY GOD, SERIOUSLY???? 4 KISSES IN A ROW?????? THAT'S A WORLD RECORD ALREADY 😭😭😭😭

anyway, i really am glad that Sawako finally opened up all the feelings of doubt and uneasiness inside her to Shouta, and that also goes for him too... he finally communicated things with her, made things clearer with her, and assured her that he really loves her, and so do she to him... I'm really glad, again, like i said, since because of that, they are now closer than ever... heck, even closer than ever before, and I'm not pretty surprised that Kazehaya did that to her because I've been looking forward to see how much he will go far when he loses his self-control, and BOY THAT'S SOOOOO BSJSKDJENDSLFURNDXLUD... he really showed how much he thinks of her, how much he wants to do those kinds of things to her, like being intimate enough... man, if i was Sawako, I'd seriously melt at the first kiss already... MAN REALLY DIDN'T HOLD BACK AND GAVE HER 4 KISSES STRAIGHT IN A ROW, THAT'S 4 SHOTS IN MY HEART AND I'M NOT IN CRITICAL CONDITION ANYMORE—IM SERIOUSLY 💀 BY THAT TIME ALREADY...

changing my perspective from them to the parents now... well damn, I'm so happy that things went smoothly, i mean I didn't expect Shouta's dad to be that kind... oh well, like father like son. meanwhile, Sawako's father is literally her LMAO, just more awkward than she is... indeed like father like daughter... that also goes for Sawako and Shouta—they really are the same... both are timid, shy, awkward, but in the end, they really love each other. going back to Sawako's parents... THEY'RE SO WHOLESOME, THAT'S ALL... THEY'RE THE BEST 😭😭😭😭

now it's Arai-sensei, a.k.a. Pin... damn, he really can become a more serious person than i thought... without him going to the karaoke place, things wouldn't have escalated that far so yeah, A BIG SALUTE TO HIM, although he's always been an oddball character LMAO

in conclusion, i really did enjoy every episode of this season... IT'S THE BEST. I really can't tell how much happy i am by words, watching this season until the end... also kudos to imase for bringing us a banger opening, it's beautiful, it's very fitting to the anime... it literally tells me "yeah, this is Kimi Ni Todoke's opening", something like that. Seriously, it was such a ride, although a bit short for me despite being an hour every episode (it has 5 eps, meaning it's literally 15 episodes when divided by the standard anime episode time duration, and yeah it's not bad at all)... i really am greedy huh, still wanting more from this series, but hey you cant blame me... this series has always been beautiful, and i love beautiful things...

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