The Great Grandfather of Shonen anime, truly a great and underrated treasure. The only thing we need is a reboot, but by the time I'm writing a review, a new anime is being produced and it's based out of the 2011 revival series (manga).

The anime may start out rough around the edges due to it being a parody of a great series that insipired many things as well that series being Ultraman and I would recommend the people who'd wanna watch the full arc, to be patient since there are some things that are important to the plot such as the arrival of Meat (Kinnikuman's second) and Terryman (Kinnikuman best friend and tag partner).

Once it begins the 20th Chojin Olympics arc that's where this anime's spark starts to ignite. You'll also begin to see scenes that inspired other animes like the Road Roller from Jojo 3 (Episode 1). It's use of Friendship Power is also another thing that inspired other animes (Black Clover, and Fairy Tale). The designs of other characters are also unique like a Reality warping camera, a devil made out of planets, a post apocalyptic version of Hulk Hogan, etc. Not to mention the moves, each chojin has their own unique powermove

People may also point out that it's cartoony but I beg to differ, there are scenes and imagery in this anime that screams out both disturbing and offensive (since this is a early 80s anime). Things like religious, satanic, blackface, and Nazism (though brief) is all around the anime. EVEN SATAN EXISTS. I'd also like to point out that the anime does contain some blood and gore, in the 20th Olympics, Robin Mask smacks his head to a turnbuckle causing him to bleed and go into a fit of rage attempting to kill the protagonist, Kinnikuman, in the 21st olympic, Warsman pierced his bear claws through Ramenman's skull causing him to go into a state of vegetation, in the devil knights arc, Kinnikuman ripped a reptile's jaws wide open after he performed his signature move, and the list goes on. The power system is also redundant when the entire game mostly focuses on it's Friendship Power or Burning Inner Strength further abusing Deus Ex Machinas.

Overall it's the best wrestling anime, albeit unrealistic, It has a lot of merits and is worth it to be watched. Sad that today's mentality is what's gonna ruin most of people's view so I'd prefer that I'd gatekeep this myself (it sounds dumb knowing that I said that it's worth watching and the fact that I'm reviewing it here)

P.S: I wrote this at like 1 AM and I'm tired as heck sorry for the horrible review.

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