It's a story of a duke's heir being cast out of an obviously evil feudal system and saving the princess heiress of that evil system, thus using the protagonists to perpetuate the evil feudal system while glorifying the evil system's participants who reject the evil system while defending it to the death against the evil villains who pursue vengeance upon that evil system. [See: "cognitive dissonance".]

This anime appears to be royalist propaganda which uses good cop bad cop tactics to glorify the best of a horrible feudal system of tyrannical vassal states little better than gladiatorial pits where slaves are marched to their deaths for the royal master race.

At first glance I liked the name of the anime and the concept of the MC, but every episode is the exact opposite of what's promised. He's presented as a weakling, yet he's anything but weak. He's supposedly a former hero, but he's constantly still a hero. He's supposedly living as he pleases while pursuing the peaceful life he always wanted, but he's constantly forced into battle. He's supposedly a sorcerer, but he's constantly hacking and slashing with a sword. He's supposedly level one, but he killed a fifty-foot tall dragon king (with a sword, which is silly), but then we're told he's level one after doing so. The princess uselessly frets over her dying bodyguard until the former hero heals them and they are amazed, but we later find out the princess had healing magic which she had apparently forgotten about. This anime is a constant stream of contradictory nonsense made by a studio of people who apparently have short attention spans and poor memory capacities.

And the MC defended a giant nazi wolf monster (which killed his elf "friend's" dwarf mom), because it was living far away from human settlements even though it was within walking distance of his elf "friend's" house. [Racist Nazi Villain status unlocked.] Also, their elf friend is an arms dealer selling high-quality arms only the richest racist/royal tyrants can afford.

Aa far as I can tell, every character in this anime is a villain.

And why is there a mobster with a fedora in the holographic image projector during the middle ages?

This anime makes no sense.

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