This anime is a good starter for those who want an anime that is not too hard to keep track of. The characters are good and funny, although because the anime has been left on such a big haiatus there are gaps in the story that are meant to be filled but cannot be. The power system is simple but affctive, there are different arcs that help bring out a deeper understanding of the chatacters as you go along.
The only two flaws that I have for this show are:
1) Kurapika- This character could have been written so much better and understandably the show is about Gon, but the show could have been a lot better if they gave kurapika his own arc or a good 10 more episodes on just him and his character development.
2) The chimera ant arc- This arc starts out so well, hyping everyone up for the battles to come but then they spend around 5-8 episodes going over miliscule details that dont benefit the main story, and were killing off really strong characters that could have won their battles but didnt for the sake of it, to be honest the show could have ended much better than it did and there could have been more potential for it to be considered in the anime hall of fame, but there are too many open shots at the show to dismiss them.

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