I randomly came across the latest season and I was thrown a curveball on the first few minutes because I had no idea what was going on. Then I came to find out it has multiple seasons and let me tell you something.. the overall art and character development astounds me. I love how it's a very subtle character development as well. You notice the small little things as the seasons go on. I'm happy to have been introduced to this anime and highly recommend it for those that like school life, And romantic comedy.

There is multiple characters each with their own backstory as you follow along the main protagonists journey in helping out those who are in need. The service club in which he belongs too you just get so drawn into that literally it makes it feel like you'd wanna make something like this as just a normal hobby for you and your friends. Oh how I wish I could have made something like this when I was in highschool I bet me and my friends would have enjoyed helping some people no matter how bizarre their requests are. However there is some debate on how the main character handles some requests and I think some of can possibly relate too. He brings a whole new meaning when it comes to playing the role of "devils advocate"

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