Hunter x Hunter is my favourite anime franchise, but I hadn't seen this adaptation until recently. I went in with low expectations considering it got

The older art style with its hand painted backgrounds and muted colours appeals to me greatly. I love the smooth and bright animation found in recent anime, but I found with a show like hxh, the older style suits it better. It's a warmer experience. An example of this is (no spoilers lul) a scene where a character is on a roof at night. In the 2011 version, the resolution is greater and the colours are more vibrant. However, I felt the emotions of the scene were far better conveyed with the deeper more contrasted colour choices of this 1999 version.

This adaptation has some filler, but I found it to be accurate to the characters, and it never interupted the pace of the story. The story of hxh is great. It draws you in with a cute start that slowly gets more complex and darker. If you enjoy this part, please note there are OVAs available, or you could continue in the 2011 version or manga.

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