This show was a surprise, since I've never really gotten invested in this style of gag-manga-esque premise, but it landed home for me. The best quality in any piece of art, great or small, is the artist knowing exactly what they're swinging to hit, and this does killing-her-with-kindness fantastically. Each "torture" comes and goes without taking any more time than absolutly necessary to sell its punchline, and the eventual relationship that the princess builds up with her "torturers" is a genuinly heartwarming thing to see. It's a fun romp through an interesting concept, and I feel like that concept plays out in full! Once you get used to the sillyness of the show though, there is also this genuine core of emotion, like a gooey hot caramel center, deep down. The sheltered princess finally allowing herself to open up, to make friends, to enjoy the banal, everyday luxuries of the common world. Watching a character learn how good it feels to have friends, and to then spread that feeling to others, that's the best part. Also Youki and Inki are the tomboyish girl and tomgirlish boy team ive always wanted to see.

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