Oh, if I were to give up on my dreams, what misfortunes would have inflicted their maligance upon me? Oh, as if it all, it's gone, it's all so horribly now in the past. A striking gong, as if to make an impression. Each day, overflowed with all my emotions, oh, the contentment. What is it all, each seperate day, as the little trifles or quarrels, oh they do make me feel, the resentment for others. They have something that I do not have. Do I have the correct mind to covet? The jealousy, the bitterness, what good does it do?

If. If you weren't to have a dream, to chase after it forever.
The tiger. What does it convey? It is a ruthless creature. The tiger, it's stripes, it's jagged teeth, and the eyes, of staring death. The tiger does not wish to slaughter, to extinguish the existance of the precious life.
To dream, to wish, oh that is something even I can do.
The fish. What does it convey? It is a beautiful creature. The clarion angel, it's blue stripes, it's golden scales, and the eyes, they shine of life. The fish does not wish to commune with others, but it can convey life. Life itself.
To taste the ocean, what did others say? To be taken one there, the saltiness.

Passion for a dream, Tsuneo Suzukawa cherishes, adores, holds it in his hand, for how long? The life, dedicated to this dream, to something he truly loves.
Oh I wish, I could love as if I were to die for you.

As if life starts to falter, and it threatens to end, and your dreams crumble to disinegrate, you covet others, and you feel the jealousy towards others, as if it was only luck, their success. To be stripped of something already from childbirth, isn't it inevitable to wish and dislike others? For one to care about another, it is possible that the two to share opinions, or similarities. Contrasting similarities, and brought to the depths of the meaningfulness of life, and to attempt to rise again, with triumphant eyes, to raise your fists as you yell a cry of triumph.

The passing of others rip your soul apart. You tear your clothes in mournfulness. But to not do so is fortunate. Tsueno holds dear Josee, as they now share a similarity in their misfortunes. They share similarities but have contrasting personalities, but some mild differences. The ocean is beautiful, it tastes of salt, to feel it all, wouldn't others covet you?

The fish shines, the tiger stares, contrasting personalities. To feel the ascendancy that you demonstrate, it would feel exemplary that you have attained something so far and wide, as you were previously unoccuring.

it is beautiful, yes it is, oh, it is.

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