This is a story about a (NEET) (Doesn't feature in the story) that is transfomed and altered to become a bright and enjoyable person, as he wasn't before. Or shall I say, "she," as she has been transformed into a girl, an experiment by her sister, to help her become someone that she wasn't before, as she was a mournful person previously, to be described as "mopey." As the story progresses, she experiences an overcoming of happiness as she didn't feel previously as a boy, and starts to enjoy this life, as a girl. Overall, I think the art is amazingly done well, the story is really great, but not as good as the art. That's what stands out to me, and I really enjoyed this anime, as it bears a cute story of a boy who experiences changes, to become someone that is positive and great, someone who isn't a shut-in, but instead someone who finally goes outside, and she starts to realize this, wanting this to stay for a longer period of time. Her sister ("his" previously) thinks this experiment really has done something well, as the boy who once was hopeless, has become someone and somewhere that he would never hope to be at. The sister really enjoys this, thinking that the actions and expressions that are expressed are far much more powerful and caring. I think this anime is really credible when it comes to slice of life, even though it's not labeled with that genre. Maybe "girl's slice of life xD." This anime containes enjoyment for the reader, because the main character of the anime is someone who overcomes many minor problems, but the thing that sticks out above most of this anime is the realization and enjoyment that the main character has. The main character really values this transformation, and (no spoilers!!) ponders and wonders the outcome of other things if this did not happen, treasuring this experience. He's lucky to have such a caring little sister, ha-ha. When all these factors come into play, this anime, I really think, is something that you should consider watching, (only 12 episodes!) (I do, really want more!) as it won't take much of your time, and you'll smile the whole way through. Something that I have to say, (but it's negative... :C) is that there's an uncensored version, (I don't even know why that's there,) paired with this, but I think that you should watch this version, without the uncensored version, because this will bring you happiness, or a longing for more episodes. In conclusion, this anime really is something you should watch!!! P.S: I don't know why someone would read that big giant paragraph above this text. I would find that strange if someone did read that entire thing! But.. Goodbye.. 😁

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