Look at me back at it again writing a review for an anime that already has one something i dislike but i felt as i needed to this anime was a good interesting solider/school/mech anime i loved the side characters i honestly wish we had a little more devlopment but they're good based off the time we had and it will probably be expanded on in the next seasons the mc to me was always so funny and sometimes he felt like a real solider and he actually felt like a true fighter i didnt like the FACT the villian had so much plot armor that bro kept coming back like it was crazy i felt like after the 2nd time he "died" he should've died fr i didnt like the mech part all that much due to it not being touched on more but i did like the fights when they did come on screen the ending was a whole lot and honestly i hope they expanded more on the whispered and we learn more about them and also the lambda driver(didnt spell it right probably) but i felt the story was good and enjoyable i think u should give it a try

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