Story: 7/10
Art: 6/10
Animation: 8/10
Sound: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Overall: 7/10

It's actually SoL with only a hint of romance/ecchi/harem nothing generic.

The general plot is simple, but I love that in these older anime (it's Fall 2011 after all) the school layout/biulding is not the same generic highschool as it tends to be nowadays.

Great Op and Ed. Such a shame they're not avaible on Spotify.
It would be 9/10 for sound if not for Maria's voice which irritates me a lot tbh(not always but still).

Characters are great. The ratings is not higher 'cause they may be a little shallow but that's fine. The thing that really goes for this anime is their quirks. They are weird to say the least but in a good sense.
And language, oh man I've never heard so much "バカ/アホ" in my life and that's a big plus.

Lastly, I'm curious to what awaits me in the sequel/ova's.
Thanks for the recommendation Kristionix

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