Lets begin with the story, this is the average isekai anime with of course the harem elements. This version (Uncensored) is very honest in that word, every episode will be LOUD and Graphic, borderline hentai. The Protaginst is direct and mostly intelligent, not the average dumb dumb but nothing like 4th dimensional thinking. He is taken to another world after making his character and after a first fight, with the gaining of skill and minor knowledge of the world he see's a slave he wants and begins his joruney. The story is average but enteraining but nothing to whine nor praise about it. 7/10

The art is easily the weakest part, the animation is quite stiff and low in frames/movement. Overall the art is nicely made but with a lack of a bigger budget it is lacking.........ps the nude scenes are not bad 6/10

The sound is good, nothing much to say it works well, the graphic scenes with the actors did a nice job and the music is slight better then medicore 8/10

The charcters are enjoyable to the point it hinders them. They are good people with snarky and fun personalities but the thing is we don't learn much about them, we don't know their history, their dreams, their desires or anything personal. It leaves you wanting more and not in the good way. 7/10

Overall if your looking for a fantasy romance, this can be easy stop the romance is there but not overly graphic, a date or personal talk would have done wonders but here we are no changing it. If your feeling bored and want someting decent to digest but not mind numbing this is not a bad spot soooooo OVERALL 7/10!

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