One of my fave shows this year. It has such a unique style. It's not predictable either. It's a mixture of Detective Conan and that art house movie you thought was pretentious but turned out to be much more heart felt than expected. It has class, charm, personality, and it'll be forgotten by the anime literati bf the episodes stop running. And I didn't even mention the art, bc the story is so good that it was an after thought. But it IS fantastic as well.

The best part is it's not trying to do what most anime does by trying to make the MC relatable or lovable, flawless. The characters serve the story, and nothing is greater than the story; no subsystem, no character, no subplot, no one has plot armor. And the score is pitch perfect bc it's understated when you're supposed to relax and punctuates when the pace picks up. It's the perfect foundation for a great story.

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