The art is great. The story drags heavily. If you've seen the original you'll say this sucks, and by comparison, yes it does.

For those giving it glowing reviews? You're wrong. Its objectively the dictionary definition of mid. Everyone is so busy telling you that it's not trash that they never mention all the amazing things the show does that's so worthy of praise. I argue that it's bc there is nothing there. If it didn't have the Trigun IP most ppl would drop the show. And it occurs to me that Fist of the North Star did this world but better: More dystopian, brutal, hardcore. So you can't even say that the world building is clever.

Seriously. If you look past the flashing lights and dazzling character designs, you'll see there's not much there. Undead Girl Murder Farce is everything Trigun lacks; unique, not a cash grab, charming, well scored. Vash is less interesting than he was originally, more one dimensional, less charismatic:

"Vash's not a character, really, more an amaglamation of better characters held together with scotch tape and spittle. He's a verasimilitude of a good character."

The ending was admittedly stunning, but the middle (read: most of the show) was underwhelming. The MOST you could say about the show is that the characters look interesting, which is damning with faint praise bc it's saying, "Though, it looks pretty."

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