Excellent 3 times !

I love the adventure theme and how it has been developed in Goblin Slayer.

This anime present some unique features, like that "ALL the character have not a name at all" one, they just refer to each other using titles that are well suited to the characters being, role and style.

The main hero has no special charismatic traits and he is somehow left aside by the other Guild's adventurers but he has a meticulous way on hunting the hated Goblins (for good personal reasons) and he is fine on having his own party members to go hunting with.

He is a good character after all with a deeply wounded but good heart and he wants to protect the farm's girl he has lived with since when they were children.

The party companions are also good too, they have their own traits and personal behaviours, ready to friendly-fight between them and fight seriously against those pesky goblins.

The young healer Priestess is a beautiful presence in "Orcbolg" life (one of the many nicknames he has got) and she learns how to survive in such harsh environments with his fruitful help.

The only critic I have to do on this beautiful serie is "how goblins' captives are treated" : I have thought that they would have been killed and eaten, but not f####d(!!) in order to have a progeny from human females.
Well, this is the only one aspect that is quite "out-of-bounds" for the story, imho; since sex is not particularly addressed amongst the main characters, it has been put into the "violence" side the story.


Really, a MUST watch !

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