I'm not too much impressed on this story but I have to admit is it well made.

It emerges quite clearly the commitment spent to make this story and the characters to work good but I have to criticize some aspects of it :

- 1st of all the two companions that are following the main character are quite dumb; really, you can't argue with me on those two developments, they are just dumb.

- 2nd thing is "Why another human-demoic story ?" ... there is quite an inflation on this theme today and, to me, after Inuyasha's, the others are some sort of reshuffles, but this is only my personal point of view, totally opinable to others.

- 3rd is the worn-off clichè of the "Demons are Good too" story and, by the way, Demons are just Evil beings, they are not good in any way we look at them, even if they are young and have nice faces.

Watch it because you have to do it, not because you want to do so.

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