There's a lot to unpack so I will try to make it short. I honestly tried so hard to like this show. It's not terrible for say but it's not good either. First couple of episodes felt like it had something going. The whole setup of a saucer in the sky and random girl who grants wishes actually had me invested. However that entire part of the story gets thrown away for some measly friendship side quest that gets dragged out for god knows how long with overly melodramatic side characters who lack the ability to start a conversation.

To sum up the ending: Nonoka and Shione manage to makeup. Everything is fine until the show remembers that the poster girl is part of the story. Suddenly she's so important to the group and no one wants to see her go. After a few quarrels, they end up agreeing that it's the right thing to do. Wishes are done, Noel gets to go home, and everyone cries. But wait there's more! A time reset happens for no god damn reason. Nobody remembers Noel despite them crying their ass for her an episode ago. Nonoka and Shione are the only one who remembers so they need to convince everyone to repeat the stupid ritual so Noel comes back. She eventually does even though it's never explained why.

I don't really get what this anime was going for. It tried so hard to sell its self as a slice of life but screwed on that part as well. The worse part, Noel was the only redeeming quality and she didn't get much screentime. Couldn't even root for the characters since they were all annoying except the dad.

Would only recommend if you have time to waste.

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