Man, this anime is brilliant, I'm just upset that the studio producing this anime went bankrupt. Anyway, so Gangsta is an anime that takes place in a seemingly dystopian world where prostitution, discrimination, rape, etc are at an all time high. There are two different classifications for humans, normals, who like the name suggests, are normal and twilights who are enhanced human with superior reflexes and strength but they compensate with a lower life span (mid 30s). The twilights each have a tag which represents their strength and basic stuff. Now what makes this anime interesting is how the characters are depicted, the two mcs are epic with a lot of story behind them and the side characters do their job perfectly. The art is also amazing with clean animations also. Like I stated before, the only main issue with the anime is that it ends abruptly due to the producing studio going bankrupt so they couldn't fully fledge out the anime. I really hope another studio takes this anime over since it has great potential. Overall, I'd honestly give this anime a 8.6/10. Just a great anime to watch, trust me.

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